You may pay online using the following methods:
- Visa
- MasterCard
- Discover
- American Express
- Electronic Personal or Business Checks
Your payment will be posted to your account on the next business day.
Plaintiffs are entitled to interest on their judgments, which accrues until the judgment is paid in full. It is the Plaintiff’s responsibility to provide the amount of this interest to the Clerk’s Office. Before making the final payment on a judgment, you should ask the Plaintiff’s attorney to notify the Clerk’s Office of any outstanding interest so our system can be updated. Otherwise, the balance displayed on this page may be incorrect.
Payments over $1.00 may be made by carefully entering the docket number of the case on which you wish to make a payment and pressing the Tab key or clicking the “Search” button. The case style and amounts due will be displayed. After verifying that the case style and amounts due are correct, click the Pay Now button to proceed with the payment.